Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is a new affiliate partner of Climate-KIC Nordic

News 02 Mar 2016

Helsinki-Uusimaa Region joins forces with Climate-KIC Nordic.

Helsinki-Uusimaa Region became an affiliate partner of Climate-KIC Nordic in November 2015. The region has actually been part of the Climate-KIC Community since 2014 under the Outreach Programme, partnering with the German State of Hessen. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council wants to be an active participant in the Climate-KIC network to harness local innovations that will not only impact climate change globally, but also create positive business and economic opportunities for the region. In addition to networking, the regional council will be an active participant and contributor to all Climate-KIC activities, especially within the innovation area. 

“As a regional authority in the metropolitan region of Finland we bring a new kind of actor to the Climate-KIC community and also a geographical area that covers both the metropolitan area and the surrounding countryside with smaller towns which have been, and still are, implementing new innovations to tackle the climate challenge”, said Olli Pekka Hatanpää, Planning Manager. 

About Helsinki-Uusimaa

HelsiHelsinki-Uusimaa_Regional_Council_logo_vernki-Uusimaa Region consists of 26 municipalities, including the Finnish capital city Helsinki, and is the most urbanised area in Finland. The region has a strong focus on sustainability and has set itself a goal of becoming a carbon neutral region by 2050. This goal is regarded as both an opportunity and strength for the region, as it secures energy security and diversifies energy production. The city also has a strategy on smart specialisation with sub-themes such as  urban cleantech, welfare city and smart citizen, and also hosts 44% of all R&D workplaces in Finland.