Innovation Project FOREST presented in the Paris International Scientific Conference
FOREST (Fully Optimised and Reliable Emissions Tool), a Climate-KIC innovation project launched in 2013, will be presented during the Scientific Conference « Our Common Future Under Climate Change »which takes place in UNESCO and University Pierre et Marie Curie, on 7-10 July 2015.
FOREST aims to improve the process of Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of Carbon Emissions caused by deforestation. The tool includes mapping and services. The offer ranges from identifying illegal deforestation activities to carbon emissions maps.
The partners of FOREST will be hold a parallel session entitled: Politics and numbers: Political and technical challenges in reducing emissions from forests with REDD+. Nicolas Barbier (CDC Climat Research) and Fabienne Maignan (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement- LSCE) will lead this session.
There will also be a poster on “The development of FOREST: a Fully Optimized and Reliable Emissions Tool”, that Charlotte Mathian will introduce.
The presence of FOREST in this major conference fully illustrates how science and innovation are entangled to address climate changes issues.