Latina Climathon: Green Opportunities in Latin America: climate action helps local development

News 20 Oct 2016

The Climate-KIC Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change event which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 28 October 2016. 

In Latina, the Climate-KIC Climathon will begin on the morning of the 28 October CEST. It is organised by Sampre Verde and Generation, Activities, Projects (GAP) to define innovative local strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. 

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The Challenge

The Latina event will result in an intense national day of meetings in order to stimulate a debate within the community with the active participation of stakeholders. The aim is to define innovative local strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change and reflect on the opportunities for development and economic and employment consequences that may ensue. The day is structured in a plenary session in the morning and thematic round tables in the afternoon.

Latina is a city of about 126,000 inhabitants, and lies in the region of Lazio (central Italy). It is seat of the Province of Latina, and is the only city in the center-south Italy to have joined the Climathon. In 2012 the city joined the Covenant of Mayors committing to reduce its CO2 emissions by 2020, drafting and implementing the Sustainable Energy Action Planla recently approved by the European Commission. The event will result in an intense day, aimed at stimulating a debate within the community with the active participation of local stakeholders. The aim is to define innovative local strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and reflect on the opportunities for local development and the employment opportunities. The day is structured in a plenary session in the morning and thematic round tables in the afternoon.


Sempre Verde

Generation, Activities, Projects 

How to join the Climathon

How will you benefit from participating in Climathon?

  • Help solve your city’s local climate challenge, and make your city more resilient to climate change
  • Network with local leaders from academia, business and public authorities
  • Develop your skills in public speaking, innovative thinking, prioritisation, and explore new tools and methodologies
  • Join forces with other like-minded entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Become a part of a global community working together to take climate action!

Register your interest now to join the Climathon global movement and drive climate action

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