Murcia Climathon: Climate change adaptation measures in Murcia City

News 25 Oct 2016

The Climate-KIC Climathon is a global  climate change event which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 28 October 2016. 

In Murcia, the Climate-KIC Climathon will begin on the morning of the 28 October CEST and finish that evening. It is organised by ALEM, the Local Energy & Climate Change Agency of Murcia as a municipal Service of Murcia City Council, and aims to identify measures for adaptation to climate change in the most vunerable areas of Murcia. 

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The Challenge

The aim of the event is to identify measures for adaptation to climate change in three of the most vulnerable sectors of the municipality of Murcia: Natural Environment, Water and Urban Development.
The event pretends to create synergies that contribute to the content of the Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change in the Municipality of Murcia, under development. Furthermore, Climathon will contribute to raise awareness and to inform about the importance of climate change to the Murcian citizenship.



The Local Energy & Climate Change Agency of Murcia as a municipal Service of Murcia City Council.
ALEM main lines of work are: energy efficiency in public buildings and facilities of Murcia City Council, sustainable mobility, renewable energies promotion, climate change, as well as education and awareness within the municipality of Murcia. 

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Urban Transitions