Want to become an entrepreneur? Join our Greenhouse programme

News 17 May 2017
Challenge-led and participatory learning processes to facilitate urban strategies for innovation on low carbon futures

Climate-KIC’s Greenhouse programme is open for applications for budding entrepreneurs. Apply until 29 May, 2017

Got an idea? Climate-KIC offers a special pre-incubation programme, the Greenhouse, to starting entrepreneurs who have a climate business idea and the motivation to make it happen in the future – but are not fully ready yet. Whether your idea is not completely developed yet or you need some more time to perfect your already existing business plan, the Greenhouse programme is the place to be.

The 6-month long Greenhouse programme helps future entrepreneurs to grow their climate business ideas and gives them dedicated business development support. This 2nd batch for 2017 will officially kick-off in July in 5 European locations, namely Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, France and Italy. 

Greenhouse programme

Through the Greenhouse programme, participants will:

  • Be equipped with and utilise basic skills required to approach sustainable business creation in a transdisciplinary manner
  • Enhance their understanding of entrepreneurship and climate innovation in a semi-protected environment (within a safe test bed for early stage entrepreneurs)
  • Utilise the Climate-KIC network to better understand the systemic challenges of climate relevant business

Successful teams will receive professional coaching on topics such as business modelling and pitching as well as grants of up to €2500, the possibility to part-time use office space and infrastructure. They also receive access to the most renowned European climate innovation network of leading corporation, universities, research institutions, start-ups and students. All ideas are welcome, however Climate-KIC operates around four key themes concerning climate change mitigation and adaptation, namely Urban Transitions, Sustainable Production Systems, Decision Metrics and Finance and Sustainable Land Use. The main part of our support goes into projects that search for viable solutions to one of these challenges and making an impact to climate change mitigation or adaptation.

Our pre-incubation candidates come from a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary backgrounds. We are accepting both students and professionals and offer equal opportunities to all nationalities, gender and age groups. For us, your idea and the right motivation is what counts. Since it is a preincubation stage, applicants should hold a job or study. Please be aware that projects with two or more team members are preferred.


Click here to apply before 29 May

Click here for more information, or contact greenhouse@climate-kic.org