Ontario Injects $100 Million in Cleantech Jobs

Posts 17 Feb 2016

The Canadian province of Ontario has announced it will invest nearly 100 million Canadian dollars into new greenhouse gas emission reducing projects.

The investment is aimed at boosting energy efficiency, and jobs in Ontario’s innovation sector. Provincial premier Kathleen Wynne was at Morgan Solar‘s solar panel plant in Ontario to announce the cash injection, which follows her province’s backing of an initiative at the UN climate change summit in Paris last year.

Ontario joined regional governments from around the world to announce massive emissions reductions — bigger than China’s annual output. The Compact of States and Regions initiative, supported by European organisations including Climate-KIC and the Climate Group, also includes regions such as Scotland and the Valencian Region in Spain.

Cleantech Innovation Initiative

Wynne said her government will invest $74 million in a new cleantech innovation initiative, which will help reduce greenhouse gas pollution by encouraging large industrial plants to adopt leading-edge technologies, while supporting entrepreneurs in developing creative solutions.

For this initiative, Wynne partners with the Ontario Centres of Excellence, which drives the development of Ontario’s economy by helping create new jobs, products, services, technologies and businesses.

Green Smart Energy Efficiency Programme

The government is also investing $25 million in a Green Smart energy efficiency program to help small and medium-sized businesses reduce emissions and become more energy efficient. The program will be delivered by Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Canada’s largest trade and industry association.

Green Investment Fund

The new projects are funded by Ontario’s new $325-million Green Investment Fund, which commits money to projects that fight climate change while growing the economy and creating jobs. These investments “aim to help transform the way we live, move, work and adapt to our environment by building strong and sustainable communities.” Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop!