Search Results for "solar"


Adaptation Innovation Cluster in Tanzania

Enhancing Tanzania’s climate resilience through innovation Tanzania is experiencing significant changes in climate, including rising temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns, prolonged drought and increased frequency of extreme weather events. At the same time, there is a vibrant local ecosystem where innovative solutions are being developed to address these challenges. There is an immense potential for improving...

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Vienna’s journey to carbon neutrality

EIT Climate-KIC is working with the city of Vienna to identify climate initiatives and to link them systematically to push beyond incremental change. Austria wants to be climate neutral by 2040 and EIT Climate-KIC is helping its capital city rise to the challenge by linking energy efficiency and other forms of district renewal with green...

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Friendly Fruit: growing more sustainable fruit supply chains

Fruit production — like all agricultural practices — must adapt to climate change. Supply chains are already experiencing negative impacts from warping climates, with early and erratic crop flowering, reduced quality of fruits, the emergence of new diseases, and water supply issues all presenting new challenges. On top of these, larger threats such as floods,...

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Meridia (formerly Landmapp)

Dutch start-up Meridia, a graduate of EIT Climate-KIC’s Accelerator programme, has developed a mobile platform that enables farmers in the developing world to map the boundaries of their smallholding and to obtain legal documentation of their land rights. The problem Deforestation accounts for 15 per cent of global carbon emissions. Tenure security has been shown...

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Blue Green Solutions (BGS)

The Blue Green Dream project enhances the synergy between urban water systems (blue assets) and urban vegetated areas (green assets) and provides effective, multifunctional Blue Green Solutions (BGS). The Problem The mass of concrete, asphalt, glass, steel and other impervious materials that forms our cityscape disrupts natural responses to weather and natural cycles, exacerbating temperature...

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Flexibilization of industries enables sustainable energy systems

On the path forward towards a decarbonized future, renewable energy plays a central role. It is clear and current reality that increasing shares of renewable energy (i.e. wind and solar based) result in increasing volatility of electricity supply and its market behavior. In order to develop a new dynamic equilibrium of supply/demand balances, sufficient ability...

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SWIPO – Smart Wiring for Power Grid Stability

Power outages are very costly for both society and industry. As a result of climate change, with its associated increases in the use of volatile energy sources like solar and wind alongside projected increases in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, hail and forest fires, power shortages and interruptions...

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Water and Energy for Climate Change

We use membrane distillation and desiccant recovery systems to turn low-grade waste heat or renewable solar PVT heat into high-quality and indoor air.  Waste heat is produced by a lot of industrial, domestic and energy production processes, and plays a significant part in rising global temperatures. With the WE4CC-II project, we saw a way to...

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Rivne: A beacon of sustainability in a time of turmoil  

Amidst the turmoil caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, lies Rivne — a city with a bold vision for a sustainable future. Despite the war and the nation’s ongoing struggle for their independence, Rivne has taken a step forward supporting its EU candidacy  by committing to the EU Cities Missions’ and joining the Pilot...

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Krakow: Paving the way to climate neutrality

Krakow, alongside several other prominent Polish cities, is dedicated to achieving climate neutrality through the NetZeroCities programme. Within the framework of the NetZeroCities, these urban centres are diligently crafting their unique Climate City Contracts, which will serve as comprehensive blueprints for their individualised climate strategies. The groundbreaking initiative – an EU Mission project – has...

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