Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) was established in 1971 as Università di Ancona and in 2003 has changed its name to the current denomination to stress its scientific and technological mission and vision. UNIVPM has about 17000 students and include five faculties (Engineering, Science, Economic Sciences, Medicine and Agricultural Sciences). The academic programs offer 52 courses, 9 first and second level post-graduate diplomas, 10 specialization courses, 33 specialization schools and 9 Ph.D. schools.
In the previous European Research and Innovation Framework, FP7, and in the current one, Horizon2020, and other European research program UNIVPM has secured funding for 130 EU projects with a total budget of almost 30M€ and participated in 20 projects with the role of coordinator. See the current UNIVPM project list here.
The core activities of the university, both in the field of education and research, place UNIVPM as knowledge provider for the entire Marche Region, supporting international and interdisciplinary research with a strong bond with local, national and international industries. Ancona’s position makes it a perfect spot for test beds, pilots and ideal location for environmental research in Italy.
For more information visit univpm.it