Pathways2Resilience programme

100 European regions on a transformative climate resilience journey

What we do Europe 2030 missions 100 European regions on a transformative climate resilience journey

Adapting to climate change and building climate resilience in Europe has become crucial, as the disastrous impacts of global warming start to affect our continent, and especially its most vulnerable communities. 

Pathways2Resilience is an EU-funded programme led by Climate KIC, empowering more than 100 regions and communities across Europe to co-design visions of a climate-resilient future.

Running from 2023 to 2027, this flagship initiative under the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change builds on assessments of climate risks and resilience opportunities, and helps regions develop transformative adaptation strategies in a locally-led and participatory way.

Through two public calls, allocating a total of €21 million in cascade funding, selected regions will be able to develop ready-to-implement innovation plans with concrete interventions supporting climate resilience. In addition to direct funding, they will have access to practical guidelines, tools, and hands-on training and mentoring. 

Pathways2Resilience is also providing locally-led Innovation Practice Groups engaging regions, local practitioners and citizens groups (with particular attention to vulnerable communities) and an Adaptation Finance Lab, to increase knowledge on innovative adaptation solutions and promote access to adaptation finance. 

Visit the Pathways2Resilience website

100 regions supported
14 partners
€21 million in direct funding

Pathways2Resilience is helping regions plan for transformative climate adaptation

Over five years, Pathways2Resilience will help regions develop transformative climate adaptation pathways through:

  • Two open calls for applications allocating a total of €21 million in sub-grants to 100 regions (funding up to €210,000 for a project period of 18 months);
  • Over 10 Innovation Practice Groups connecting regions with international experts, local practitioners, and citizen groups to explore best practices around governance, knowledge access, behavioural change and economic systems;
  • Standardised guidance, training and resources on adaptation finance, business models and transformative innovation policies, as well as an Innovation Lab to design innovative finance mechanisms tailored to regions;
  • Training modules to share knowledge and tools developed within the programme;
  • A one-stop-shop transformative toolbox providing a step-by-step guide with methodologies and tools to support regions in their own journey towards resilience.

By participating in the Pathways2Resilience programme, regions can develop their own transformative adaptation strategies in a risk-free environment, with sub-grants to concretely support their projects, while testing, learning and innovating with partners, and ultimately showing political leadership in climate action.

Elina Bardram, Mission Manager for Adaptation to Climate Change, European Commission
"Pathways2Resilience will help regional and local authorities to explore different adaptation scenarios and innovative solutions in a systemic way, and to find the pathway best suited for their needs.”