Demonstrate Your Innovation
Climate-KIC’s Demonstrator Programme is where climate innovators can demonstrate that their innovation works and is a viable proposition on which to create a “business”, whether for profit or not.
What is Demonstrator?
The Demonstrator Programme is designed to support multiple stakeholders with funding and services to de-risk the demonstration of innovations. By enabling a consortia of stakeholders, the Demonstrator Programme ensures the full range of technical and business knowledge and competencies is brought to play. This reduces the financial, technical and business risk associated with the latter stages of innovation, increasing the attractiveness to investment and growth.
Why Apply?
Participating in the Demonstrator Programme allows project participants to access the collective expertise of Climate-KIC’s network, build strong consortia and provide greater focus to the innovation activity through dedicated funding.
Eligible Applicants
The Demonstrator is primarily for Climate-KIC partners, but we welcome prospective applications from non-Climate-KIC partner organisations. Please contact your local Climate-KIC innovation lead to see what support we can offer you.
The Blue Green Dream
The Blue Green Dream project highlights the multiple benefits that could be gained, such as air quality, noise dampening, public health and aesthetic improvements by better integrating water (Blue) and vegetated (Green) infrastructures.
“We want people to see trees and plants as more than just something pretty to look at, and cities as sources of water not just consumers of water,” said Čedo Maksimović, head of the Blue Green Dream project on behalf of Climate-KIC and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London, where he heads the Urban Water Research Group.
Supported by Climate-KIC’s Demonstrator Programme, Maksimović and his team have been able to set up demonstration and research sites in a number of European cities.
“It is important to demonstrate that these technologies work, and to document the impact so we have a clear picture of how much energy – and costs – can be saved,” Maksimović says.