What we do

Europe 2030 missions

What we do Europe 2030 missions

Our work in the EU

We are deeply committed to the transformation of 400+ cities, regions and countries in Europe and beyond into climate-resilient, carbon-neutral and ecologically sustainable places.

By 2030, with our support, these places will implement large-scale, integrated and transformative climate action. Their transformation not only has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they will also serve as examples of healthy, equitable and thriving places to live, work and play.

Our mandate in Europe

Climate KIC is a key innovation partner for European climate policy. We use a systems approach to shape innovation to support EU Missions, Member States, cities and regions to deliver their climate ambitions.

Currently, we are a core delivery partner on three EU Missions – Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission (NetZeroCities), Climate Adaptation Mission (Pathways2Resilience), and the Food and Soil Mission – and we participate in dozens of other Horizon Europe or European-based projects and programmes.

Under our new strategy, Transformation, with Urgency, in the next seven years, Climate KIC will continue to act to realise European climate, nature, social and industrial policy commitments in Europe and neighbouring countries, as well as support of European commitments to sustainable development and climate resilience outside of Europe.

European projects we currently participate in

EU Mission Adaptation

EU Mission Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities


Female expert in a field collecting soil in their hands

EU Mission Soil

New European Bauhaus


Open calls

We work on transformative systemic change – change that encompasses regulation, governance structures, values, and mindsets. This involves working on many connected innovations in parallel to trigger a shift in the system. 

To help reach a tipping point and create maximum impact, we offer grants, mobilise funds, and create collaboration opportunities and education programmes throughout the year.

Explore our Open calls to find your next opportunity.

Open calls

Systems Transformation Hub

Connecting the EU with strategic and systematic guidance

The Systems Transformation Hub, a pioneering collaboration designed to drive systemic solutions for Europe, was launched in 2024 by a coalition of five thought-leading organisations, including Climate KIC, Metabolic, the Club of Rome, WRI Europe and Systemic.

It aims to provide strategic and systematic guidance, supporting the European institutions and Member States in policy analysis and development, policy learning, and agile decision support. 

The Hub will focus on European policy and on Europe’s relationship with the rest of the world, developing a roadmap with policy orientations, to inspire the upcoming European Commission. The approach includes: modelling and research; crafting new, progressive narratives; and stakeholder consultation and communication.

The Hub will provide strategic capability for the EU, remaining independent, transparent, science-based and non-political.

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