Electric scooter sharing
emmy (formally eMio) will bring electric scooter sharing to Berlin. Similar to carsharing emmy will provide up to 200 electric scooters in a free floating short-term rental system within the inner city (88 km²). Localizing and unlocking the scooter works through a smartphone application. The scooters are equipped with two helmets in different sizes, reach a maximum speed of 45 km/h and can be driven with a standard driving license (Class 3/B). Prices are considerably below those of competitors in carsharing.
The customers benefit, because there is no more quest for a parking space, they are faster in traffic and it is cheaper than carsharing. Consequently emmy offers an attractive alternative for Berliners and visitors by filling a gap in the mobility sector. Without causing any CO2 or noise emissions, the customers will reach their destination relaxed and with a smile on their face.