Yellow Pallet B.V.

LOCATION The Netherlands
AREA OF IMPACT Urban Transitions

Use waste agri-fibers of fruit plants to produce pallets

Yellow Pallet offers factories, maintenance, resins and consultancy for the production of complete transport pallets or pallet-blocks. The banana-based transport pallets are much more cost-effective than the wooden alternative. Yellow Pallet’s invention is a combination of the shape of the pallet, the resin composition, the recipe and the pallet-press. The shape of the pallet and the mould will be unique and patented.

The kick-start of the business is the realization of a factory to produce pallets from banana blocks with wooden planks. This will lead to substantial cost-savings for the banana exporter. In a second phase the block-presses will be replaced by new banana-pallet presses. With help of AgentschapNL Yellow Pallet is in the process to offer such a factory in Colombia in May 2013. The investor’s capital will be combined with Dutch financing (AgentschapNL) and customer financing to start building the first factory in 2013.


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